This guy, people. This guy. So there's this artist, Nicholas Di Genova, goes by Mediumphobic. He's a madman. The images that issue forth from his mind to his medium are bizarre, intriguing, and often quite frightening. Frequently featuring animal-animal, animal-gun, animal-machine hybrids, his work is like nothing I've seen before.

I asked him about his process, falsely assuming that there were some digital shenanigans going down. and he was kind enough to answer in detail.
"I can give you a quick rundown of how i get the colour on my pieces... It does look digital, but its actually all done by hand with animation ink, mylar, and a lot of patience...
First i start with a sheet of semi-translucent mylar. Then, in black ink, I draw the creature on the front of the mylar, using dipping pens and brushes. Then I flip the piece over, and work on the back of it with animation inks. Animation inks are the paints that used to be used to paint all of the old cartoons... Search 'cel vinyl paint' and you should be able to find the stuff... I use the cel vinyl to paint the back of the drawing, just like a giant animation cell... If you run a search on 'cell painting' you should be able to find some sort of tutorial"
What a doll. So, definitely hit up his site, and maybe if you're into his stuff as much as I am, maybe with more cash to spend than I have, buy some stuff.
BREAKING: As of this post, Nicholas has an opening in New York next week, a chance to see his superbly detailed pen and ink pieces, up close and personal. If it can be helped, it is not to be missed!

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