Anyway, here are some things I like and don't like.

The Antlers on Tiny Desk Concerts : I really love the Antlers in general. They were quite possibly my favorite "new" band in 2009 and Hospice is really one of my favorite albums ever. Hospice is just everything an album should be really. It tells a story, the songs segue into each other nicely and flow together, and when you read the lyrics off the liner sheet, they look like a short story, but when listened to aren't awkward or clunky at all. When I saw them live I was a bit disappointed though. They weren't bad at all, they were really, really good, but the show just failed to capture the intimacy and delicateness of the album and its emotions. It's partly the crowd's fault. It seemed like hardly anyone was there for the Antlers (although, when I left, almost right after their set, I saw a few other people leaving the show too), and several people kept talking and looking around and bein' obnoxious which really ruined the mood. The other problem was that they just didn't capture all the dynamics they had on the album. They played my favorite song, Wake, where at the end there is a repeating part that starts off super softly and then builds up and up until he's practically screaming and the drums are pounding and the guitar is oscillating more and more and surrounding you (it's really awesome), but in the live show they didn't get quiet enough at the start so it lost its intensity. That's why I love this filming of them playing a few songs. It's a lot more quiet, stripped down, and intimate, a lot more like the record was. Also, I felt like the background and surroundings really kinda fit the sound and feel of the music. Definitely give it a watch, or at least listen to it.

Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works 85-92: Apparently this is one of THE GREATEST ambient albums out there, or at least from the 90's. I don't see it. At all. It's just not "amibent" enough for me. The first few beginning tracks are pretty good, and then it just gets more active and annoying, culminating in Green Calx, a really, really, boring, repetive track centered around truly awful synth sounds. The Album doesn't flow together well either, which I guess is okay (since it's a collection of works), but really bothers me, since I love ambient albums that seem complete and more like it was written as an album instead of seperate songs. Maybe I'm wrong about this though, so many people seem to love it. Can't stand it, but it might be your thing if you like lackluster, repetitive techno/trance that's a bad combination of ambient and dance-like stuff.
- Alec
i know i'm like the only person who comments on these things but i'm calling bullshit on your calling bullshit on aphex twin.