New year, new groove. Tomorrow I go back to RISD and the next day, Wintersession starts. Wintersession is six weeks of elective classes, and it's meant to be a kind of break. I'm taking a painting course and a film course and will maybe be looking for ways to be a bit more enterprising than I've been in the past months. In old news: I think I promised to show some more work of mine, so here is a drawing from my first semester drawing class, and a link to all of my assignments from that class. Some are more conventional, and some are experimental to varying degrees. My work from other classes is not so well organized so I may take a while on that.
oh and they are all like 12 square feet at least
Life has been good, except for Alec being trapped thousands of miles away all the time. There's always the internet anyway. Above all, I am excited for 2012. And if it's the last year of human existence, it had better be a good one.
Happy new years!
Oh ya and alec's album roxx
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