Desolation Wilderness is a stretch of wilderness along the Sierra Nevada in California. After hearing their music, it's pretty obvious why they chose it as their name. Their music is dreamy and reverb-drenched, almost delving into "chillwave", much like Pure Ecstasy. It's very introspective, and perfect for listening to outside, on late summer nights. Unfortunately, they've recently broken up, but they've put out enough music (2 Full lengths, an EP, and some 7"s) to last you for a while. Since the breakup, singer Nic Zwart has started a new, quite similar band, Electric Sunset, if you really, really, want something more.
My favorite songs of theirs are probably Boardwalk Theme, and San Francisco 2 AM. Lala shut down a while ago, so I no longer have a way to stream songs, but you can on RCD LBL
enjoy - Alec
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